21 Ways To Build Your Social Media Presence, Like HubSpot Marketers

  I was a lazy natural for most of my life. I had natural hair but I never took care of it in the way I should have.

I slicked it back in tight – albeit very cute – top buns, laid down my edges and kept it moving.

Then, I discovered a natural hair stylist on Instagram who changed my outlook. She was active on the platform every day, often giving hair care advice, and spoke directly to my concerns. Within a few weeks, I was sold and ready to book an appointment.

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Not every social media interaction is like that, but it's what every brand wants. To draw its target audience in, create content that resonates with them and build a connection, i.e.: social media presence.

Let's dive into what social media presence is and how to build it.

For brands, there's no single metric tied to social media presence. However, it can translate to a high engagement rate, a growing brand awareness, and a positive brand perception.

Krystal Wu, social media community manager at HubSpot, highlights that visibility and presence are different.

"A social media channel has no presence if there is no audience who values it. Use social media to listen, monitor, and analyze your audience behavior," said Wu. "That information will allow you to gain consumer feedback, improve new or existing relationships, and expand your brand's social presence."

So, while visibility comes with having a strong presence, it's not the measure of success – resonance is.

Importance of Social Media Presence

Having a social media presence goes beyond having a profile with content. It means creating content tailored to the interests and needs of your target audience.

Doing so builds trust, and once you have that, you're one step closer to earning your audience's business.

Having a strong social media presence also allows you to better understand your audience.

"While there are a ton of growth 'hacks' to boost a brand's social presence, I think the greatest value goes back to knowing your audience," said Ariel Boswell, social media analyst at HubSpot. "The ability to know your audience so deeply to where you understand what captivates their attention and pair that with content that provides value in that moment is a recipe for success."

Connecting with your community on this level helps you get to the core of their needs so you can better serve them with your product or service.



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